Jan Tinetti, Minister of Education, says education isn't political. She needs to go into areas such as South Auckland and explain results like those below. (NB: I use UE for LEAVERS as a proxy for the academic results at lower levels).
University Entrance for Leavers
– Papakura High School – 8%
– Mangere College – 8.9%
– Tangaroa College – 11.1%
– Southern Cross Campus – 11.6%
– Manurewa High School – 12.2% (down from 23.6% in one year)
– James Cook High School – 12.8%
– Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate – 13.2%
These are almost all in long-term Labour electorates but there is no sign that Labour cares. They are not the worst outcomes for schools in NZ but they are near the bottom and in the South Auckland area, this is what Labour calls “choice”.
For those who think ethnicity and ability are strongly linked St Joseph’s Maori Girls had 92% of their 2022 Leavers graduate with UE.
What are the solutions people? Economist Cameron Bagrie notes that if we want to see what the nation will look like in 20 years time – look at our education system now.
These young people are being failed and Hipkins was the Minister of Education for over 5 years.
Keep in mind we now have a situation where 25% of our young people are leaving school, after 13,200 funded hours, without even having Level 1 NCEA.
(Please email me for the full date set on every high school in NZ re L3 NCEA, UE, Retention, Progress to Degree level study … all in ranked spreadsheets. Plus system aggregates. alwyn.poole@gmail.com)
Alwyn Poole
Innovative Education Consultants