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BOB BROCKIE: Australian migrants

Bob Brockie MNZM is a New Zealand cartoonist, scientist, columnist and graphic artist. He was an editorial cartoonist for the National Business Review from 1975 to 2018, specialising in political satire.

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Len Lind
Len Lind
Oct 18, 2023

Have all thinking kiwis seen the latest public referendum result on aboriginal representation in their govt ? David Seymore gave a pre election promise ta ALL kiwis that he wanted a binding public referendum on the true meaning of our 1840 treaty with NZ native chiefs and the crown.

To give just one example, The word fish does not exist in maori language, but tribal elite control /own50% of all our deep water fish species ? Do they pay tax on the profits ?I fail to see how Act can form a govt with National without betraying his voters and NZ ?

Len Lind
Len Lind
Oct 25, 2023
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No such word existed in our treaty. No matter, when the 600 claims for our foreshore and seabed are resolved in our courts!, each claim funded to the tune of $300,000 by NZ taxpayers ? the word IKA is Japanese for squid. probably invented by tribal elites, around 1982 when, in partnership with a large Japanese fishing corporation, took control of most of NZs deep water fishery. Fletcher Fishing ,bought by NZ govt,with taxpayer money and GIVEN to TRIBAL ELITE ?


Paul Johansen
Paul Johansen
Oct 17, 2023

Thanks so much to all those on the center right, who believed in this honorable cause and worked so diligently to put an end to the crazy mindset that inflicted so many terreble policies on us. Where did these useless politicians who wanted to foster dependency to harvest votes come from?! Every self-motivated NZer will celebrating our new found freedom now. Those tireless determined souls who have hopefully ridden us forever, of those brainless imbeciles who were taking our country down doomsday road!


Oct 17, 2023

Too many of our children have become economic refugees because of poor wages and high living costs here.

This loss of precious human resources has been ongoing for decades and is not due to the recent Labour government.

I hear many excuses for this disparity that do not really justify it.

Something is hindering our productivity and prosperity and we ought to figure out why.

Perhaps it is too much reliance on government and not enough respect for individual ambition, effort and competence?

In my opinion too much government central control and too much regulation gets in most people's way but also enriches the minority who are favoured by it.

Totalitarian "rule" by a politically elite minority became excessive during…

Oct 18, 2023
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I agree. Act should stick to their commitments and not sacrifice them for a coalition with National.

If it means another election. That's what it is.

Looks like NZF will be needed as well.

Loyal has attractive policies and might mature into a significant political force if they keep going.

The 2026 referendum. Idea is a fantasy that will not happen unless the elite Nats want it to..

Once in a coalition ACT losses any influence they might have had

If they cave in like NZF did in 2017 they will probably lose most of their supporters as well.

Seymour and the other act elites have some tough decisions ahead.


Oct 17, 2023

We have listened to Aarons rants for so long and it seems to me the very same names come up every support of what we all believed in the first place , so to me we are those that are already convinced of the way forward,

It is now past time to let those past problems go and anticipate a balanced way forward.

It is time to think fully , and how to peacefully go forward to achieve this as many activists or radically indoctrinated children will unfortunately be forced into the future debates without the actual knowledge of what is actually correct.

Aaron , you need to get out and listen to the birds and the bees ,…

Oct 17, 2023
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I concur with much of Aarons writings but object to his language to the extent that I rarely read his comments now.. My mother would have washed his mouth out with soap.


Oct 17, 2023

The biggest thing Australia has going for it right now is that they had a referendum on actual indigenous voices and an overwhelming majority including Aboriginals voted NO.

Oct 18, 2023
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Seems like Aussies get a choice and Kiwis get told what to do by their masters in the National and Labour parties.

What a nation of pathetic cowards we have become.

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