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CITIZEN SCIENCE: Govt continues to be captured by trans ideology

Writer's picture: AdministratorAdministrator

As the rest of the world wakes up from the trans fever dream, our media and political class continue to trundle along with their fingers in their ears and their eyes firmly shut. Radio New Zealand has avoided the topic for a while, but a couple of weeks ago treated us to a pantomime story in which the delicate classes were harassed by an evil witch in the person of Rex Landy, a “member of the public.”

Landy is a Māori woman from Ōtaki and a member of Mana Wāhine Kōrero. The setting was the Justice select committee hearing on the Corrections Amendment Bill, which would give men housed in women’s prisons because they claim to be females (yes, it is happening here in New Zealand) the right to nominate the sex of the prison officers who search them. This option is apparently already being exercised, and the law is moving in behind to tidy it up.

Landy made a submission in which she “voiced her strong opposition” to the Bill before calling Labour MP and former Minister of Police Ginny Anderson “a f****** disgrace.”

According to RNZ,

“MPs on the committee groaned at that, before the chair - National's MP for Rangitata James Meager - stopped the submission.

"Thank you for your time, we'll end that there - sorry about that Ginny," he said.

"That's alright," she replied.”

And here we see the unity of the political class in the face of those who don’t speak nicely - “members of the public” and their silly attachment to biological reality. Our MPs are unlikely to ever have female relatives in prison, so it costs them nothing to demand that incarcerated women provide a validation service for deluded men. People who will never see the inside of a cell can feel virtuous and right-on.

The legislation will, according to Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier, preserve the dignity of gender-diverse prisoners. Never mind the dignity of women inmates or of female prison officers who must intimately search these men at their behest.

Who can blame Rex Landy for burning with rage? Her submission was curtailed and doubtless ignored because her salty outburst rendered her opinion beneath the notice of the great and the good.

It is still a source of amazement to those of us not sophisticated enough to have been sucked into the trans cult, that once-sensible, indeed highly educated people, can possibly believe men should be housed in women’s prisons (some of which also house very young children.) Perhaps the most interesting aspect is how furtive they are about it all though – clauses buried deep in legislation, undebated, unreported or misreported. It is a tell. In their hearts they know housing men in female prisons cannot be reconciled with common sense, let alone common decency. But it is always shocking to see how limited their imaginations and curiosity are. Has any of them given a second’s thought to what it would be like for women prisoners – some who have experienced very high rates of severe abuse at the hands of men – to be literally locked up with them? Is there a single institution or member of the governing class in this country that has not been captured?

Now we know why the Ombudsman has refused all requests to investigate the trans assault on women’s safety, dignity and privacy, (not to mention the horrific medical malfeasance being perpetrated on children.)

The new Minister of Youth and Mental Health, clinical psychologist Matt Doocey, has proudly boasted in Parliament that he worked at the Tavistock Clinic in London when its now closed and discredited Gender Identity Service was “affirming” and drugging confused children. That would explain why he did not even acknowledge communications from devastated parents when he was Opposition spokesperson for mental health, let alone respond.

Soon the Ministry of Health will be releasing its long-overdue evidence brief into puberty blockers. Meanwhile many countries and US states have stopped allowing them to be prescribed for children in the service of gender identity ideology. (In contrast a recent NZ Official Information Act request has revealed an exponential increase in prescriptions for 0-17 year-olds from 74 in 2006 to 648 in 2023.)

A precautionary approach would assume that Minister Doocey’s time at the Tavistock has a given him a conflict of interest as opposed to special expertise. He should not be anywhere near the decision-making when the evidence brief is in, and nor should any other person who is invested in this dangerous malpractice. No one who has transed their child, no one who is loyal to a trans-identified loved one, no one who thinks they are liberating gay and lesbian kids, no one who thinks heteronormativity is oppressive. No one who is too scared of looking old fashioned to stand up to the hysterical bullying of those who are putting off the day when they must look in the mirror, and know that they harmed their own children, or cheered those children on. Or thinks that women are bad sports when they object to the entry of men into their competitions, or restrooms, or changing rooms. Or welcomed drag queens parodying and sexualising womanhood into public libraries for Rainbow Storytime. Or allowed abused women and their children to be locked up with male criminals.

There is not a pit in Hell deep enough for these myopic arrogant fools, the creeps swinging in behind them, and all the damage they have done.

Citizen Science is a pseudonym


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