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David Seymour: School lunches and charter school ambitions | Q+A 2024

A broader discussion than the Q&A title suggests, ACT leader David Seymour talks with Jack Tame about a variety of issues including the Ministry for Regulation, NZ's position on the Middle East and the Treaty Principles bill.



Oct 08

What a tosser of an interviewer. I couldnt see it out, his constant babbly interrupting and talking over the top shows such arrogance and, yet, childishness. Well done that man Seymour!

Oct 08
Replying to

To true. The man's a disgrace to journalistic integrity....yes it once did exist when I ran about the place in short pants.

Try listening to his weekend Saturday morning self preening listen to me I'm so fantastic broadcast on zb.

But be careful and definitely come forearmed. In case of nausea and stomach cramps?

You'll need a bucket to puke into, a mop , because when you are laughing so hard at his tryhard insertion of indigenous wonderfulness into every greeting you'll occasionally miss. Completely understandable. You'll need tissues to wipe the tears of laughter 😂 from your cheeks when you listen to his shambolic attempts to be sincere and truthful.

Oh. Sorry, I forgot the first aid kit. It…


Peter Y
Peter Y
Oct 03

Jack Tame really does make me sick. He goes on about the cost of the Select Committee process on the Treaty Principles Bill - something which, arguably, is now the most important issue facing our country in terms of its future unity and development - but put in the perspective of the $100Million that was originally allocated to te reo learning, the near on $1Billion that reputedly could have been saved on the school lunch nonsense, this cost is completely inconsequential! He is so deluded and 'left' of centre in his views, I'm surprised he can get out of bed and deign to put his 'right' shoe on each day!

As for David Seymour, I think he's the best we…

Oct 03
Replying to

"As for David Seymour, I think he's the best we have at the moment."

Ain't that the truth!


Oct 03

A very impressive performance by David Seymour. What comes across is a principled person who will look at the evidence rather than blindly push an ideology.


Oct 03

I'm absolutely wild and beside myself now.

I'm a solo dad,I work hard and it's up to me that the kids lunches are made,their clothes are clean and it's my responsibility alone that they regularly attend school.

Look,I mean this. What the fuck is going on here? Why in gods name should any school be held accountable for deliberate and prolonged absenteeism? No!

It's the parents that are to blame.

This is going to fucking hurt. Guess what? Tough shit if it rings a few alarm bells.

If you,as a parent of a child can't be stuffed to glue bits of bread together of a morning with spread and what's available in the pantry or fridge , can't be arse…

Oct 05
Replying to

It's me. You take care.

God bless and have a lovely Sunday.

Aaron 👍


Oct 03

Yes, as expected Jack was typical of our MSM interviewers in trying for 'gotcha moments' and he also butted in far too often. It only became a little tense when the TOW referendum came up, and David handled that with ease (like he did throughout).

It takes some skill to not become irritated by an interviewer's style, and perhaps say something with less than ideal composure; DS had no problem there.

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