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DON BRASH: John Key's Call for "Caution" in Race Relations

He doesn’t want to have difficult conversations.

Former National Party leader Sir John Key has urged people to “take the temperature down a wee bit” in the debate surrounding race issues. He believes this is an area where any government needs to “tread carefully.”

He also mentioned recent issues such as ACT’s Treaty Principles Bill, the removal of Section 7AA from the Oranga Tamariki Act, and National’s move to overturn a court decision on the Marine and Coastal Area Act.

It seems clear that Sir John Key prefers to avoid difficult conversations. When he was Prime Minister, he favoured deals that solved immediate problems but allowed division and resentment to foster in the long term.

The reality is, if we had always trod carefully and feared stepping on toes, we wouldn’t have achieved nearly as much progress in halting separatism as we have.

Avoiding tough discussions has led successive governments to allow officials in Wellington (as well as special interests) to take New Zealand down a dangerous path of co-governance and a two-tier democracy. There’s still a long way to go to ensure equal rights for all, and we certainly won't get there if our political leaders are too timid to talk about it!

Restoring public access to the foreshore and seabed in the Marine and Coastal Area Act, removing Section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act, and addressing ACT’s Treaty Principles Bill are ongoing issues that can’t be ignored simply because Sir John Key suggests we "cool down."

He stated:

“The important thing is that we’re all New Zealanders and I think everybody wants to live in a place where we can respect one another, get along well, and foster a better New Zealand. So I’d kind of encourage everyone to maybe take the temperature down a wee bit.”

This is exactly the point.

These conversations must persist because we share a vision of New Zealand where everyone is equal and where no one is given special rights based on their ancestry or skin colour.

“You should always treat race issues carefully because, in the end, we all want to live in a harmonious society. Māori are the indigenous population of New Zealand and Treaty partners, so you have to treat them with respect and care,” Sir John added.

While we respect Sir John Key’s contribution, we must respectfully disagree.

Capitulating to special interests is not a sign of respect or caring.

If we respect the value of all New Zealanders, we must discuss any moves to weaken our democracy.

What is there to disagree with in the Treaty Principles Bill?

  • The Bill aims to finally define the principles of the Treaty as frequently mentioned in law and clarify what the three articles of the Treaty actually mean in 2024 and for the future (and reject what the activist academics have reinterpreted it to say).

  • It will not alter the Treaty itself.

  • New Zealanders as a whole have never been democratically consulted on these "Treaty principles."

  • The Bill seeks to clarify that the Treaty was meant to ensure equality for all, not to justify offering different access to taxpayer-funded services, guaranteed positions on government boards, or a separate healthcare authority based on ancestry.

  • It promotes equality before the law.

The issue isn’t the content of the Bill but the fact that it’s even considered controversial. 

This should be a concern for the National Party.

Don Brash writing on behalf of Hobson’s Pledge

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Aug 11

Will Luxon do anything if John Key does not approve? Seymours Bill will have the same fate.

JKey not in favour as well.


There will be a great deal of misinformation and disinformation about ACT's proposed Treaty Principles Bill. Most of this criticism and propaganda will come from p0eople that do not actually understand what is being proposed. It would be a good idea to read this and be properly informed.

Aug 09
Replying to

Agree. People just don"t bother to check out the facts.


Aug 06

The problem is that ACT's Bill doesn’t define the principles of the Treaty or clarify what the three articles of the Treaty actually mean. It is only ACT's interpretation of them. What parties have they approached and what credentials do individuals have who have interpreted it? Why is David Sey.our hiding this?

Replying to

Here is some more factual information about the proposal to base the meaning of the treaty of Waitangi on what is actually stated in the Treaty of Waitangi instead of "principles" that some people imagine were related to it in 1840.


Aug 06

Kaipara Council meeting with respect to Maori wards.

The screaming and abuse has already started within the Council chambers.

Taking away something they never had before the reign of the red witch.

Gee, thank you JK

Give me a break.🤒

Replying to

I just sent them an e mail. Ms Paniora, TPM' s Ms Clark and Ms Thunberg are cast from the same mould . Petulant, ill mannered and full of their own importance,

Silly wee children.

Long live race free democracy.


Further to comments on this post.

A new textural interpretation of the ToW totally debunks current ‘Treaty’ orthodoxy especially ‘partnership’, rangariratanga as ‘self -determination’, ‘taonga’, etc.,   Download:      ‘Both Versions of the ToW’   at   <>

Replying to

Updated comment on this post.

A new textural interpretation of the ToW totally debunks current ‘Treaty’ orthodoxy especially ‘partnership’, rangatiratanga as ‘self -determination’, ‘taonga’, etc.,   Download:      ‘Both Versions of the ToW’   at

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