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RODNEY HIDE: Blood Quantum

ACT Leader David Seymour posts on X:

“Today in Parliament, Rawiri Waititi referred to a Government MP's 'blood quantum'. That's the dangerous and divisive idea that how much ‘Māori blood’ a person has in their body should matter.

If any other political party behaved in this way, they would lead the 6pm news.”

Blood quantum has saturated politics and government for years. The quantum has just been “one drop”.

I am guessing Mr Waititi would like the cut off to be Māori to be more than a drop. That’s his difference.

But the quantum is not the outrage. It’s the concept that’s offensive.

The outrage is that blood should matter at all.

But here in New Zealand it does. Today more than ever.

We have become a deeply racist country. Thanks government. Not just this government but every government for the last 50 years.

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My blood has corpuscles, red ones and white ones. It has some gooey stuff too that dries up over a wound if I cut myself. It visits my heart for good kick along every so often. That's it, really.


Jul 25

As Rodney says it is ridiculous that the amount of ‘Māori blood’ a person has in their body should matter.


"But the quantum is not the outrage. It’s the concept that’s offensive. The outrage is that blood should matter at all. But here in New Zealand it does."

Blood matters. For example, I assume that you prefer your own kids over someone else's, Rodney? If you don't, most people would find that weird. And after all, what is a nation other than a large family with intimate blood-ties? The word "nation" has its etymological roots in the latin "natio" meaning something like "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe" etc. But it's not a binary choice between favouring your own on the basis that they are your own, and somehow hating others.

So why does preference for one's own…

Replying to

I wouldn't find it weird for a father to love his biological children and his adopted children equally. If the bio kid became a drug addled waster and adoptee a success in life, so much for preference.


Jul 25

National have announced they are focussing on the Seabed and Foreshore legislation. Well done National and well done those who made their voices heard. Of course, this should never have ever been an issue. New Zealand belongs to us all.

Jul 25
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Apparently Maori get all their costs paid whilst "others" have to fund their own cases. I read that a few years ago. That is why we had to chip in for the Opotiki appeal. I'ts simply outrageous really that any government can consider this just or right. How can anybody vote for these people? It remains to be seen if this comes to a satisfactory conclusion.


MMP has utterly failed the nation, the taxpayer and especially the hardworking, socially responsible, patriotic New Zealanders who believed in equality, honesty and integrity through the democratic stand point of one country, one people, one flag, one vote.

MMP has fostered and allowed a non-representative, undemocratic door to open and allow in to NZ's government the bizarre, the biased, the sycophantic, the brazenly racist, group of 'off the planet' collection of ideologically obsessed nutters and time wasters, who could never, ever, otherwise have ever darkened the door, let alone occupied or warmed a seat in New Zealand's House of Representatives. List members are a costly, nonproductive, useless waste of taxpayers hard earned money.

Time to return to FPP and unbridled…

Jul 26
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Ohhh so right. Sometimes the MMP system gives me a really bad feeling NZ will never recover and just slip down the slope to global obscurity. Minorities and extremists have become more important than democracy, and DE&I has taken root.

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