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Writer's pictureRodney Hide

RODNEY HIDE: Leave our kids alone

The UN is corrupt and perverted.  So too is the WHO. Anyone working for these organisations is immediately suspect. So too every pronouncement they make.  

How bad?

Well, here’s the WHO explaining when sex education starts:  

"From birth, babies learn the value and pleasure of bodily contact, warmth and intimacy … From birth, parents in particular send messages to their children that relate to the human body and intimacy.  In other words, they are engaging in sexuality education."

According to the WHO bathing your baby is educating them about sex.  The WHO deliberately conflates caring for a baby and teaching sex. 

The UN does similar:

"Young people are sexual beings. All young people should be able to explore, experience and express their sexualities in healthy, positive, pleasurable and safe ways. This can only happen when young people’s sexual rights are understood, recognised and guaranteed."

Not young adults. Young people. How old is a young person?  Well, any age actually. The UN deliberately blurs the age at which children are to be sexualised.  For example, twelve-year-olds are young people. 

Indeed, parents now note that pupils in New Zealand are increasingly described by their schools and teachers as “young people”.

According to the UN, twelve year olds  and younger are sexual beings with sexual rights who should be able to explore, experience and express their sexualities in healthy, positive, pleasurable and safe ways. 

The UN and WHO statements align perfectly with the advocates for paedophilia.  There’s a blurring of what is sexual and what is not, a blurring of age, and a focus on consent making any sex okay. To the UN and the WHO, children can consent to sex. That’s their message repeated over and over. 

I take the above quotes from a critical report by Dr. Joanna Williams.

The Relationship and Sexuality Education Guidelines curriculum promoted by the Ministry of Education which is both sexualising and queering our children follows directly the UN’s International technical guidance on sexuality education

It gets worse. 

The UN duplicitiously ties the sexualisation and queering of children to their Sustainability Development Goals which New Zealand signed up to in 2015 as Agenda 2030. 

It’s signing up to that Agenda that sees a male teacher pairing off my 13-year-old daughters’ class to practice putting condoms on wooden penises with the avowed purpose of having her protect herself when she submits to anal sex. 

It’s all part and parcel of the UN’s Agenda 2030.

The Director-General of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay explains in the foreword to the UN’s Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education: “We are convinced that if we do not meet young people’s calls for good quality comprehensive sexuality education, we will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we have set for 2030.”

And notice the sleight of hand: the sexualising of kids is necessary not because the UN is demanding it but supposedly because kids themselves are. Of course, kids aren’t demanding comprehensive sex education. In fact, we hear more and more that our kids are OVER IT.  But more to the point, so what if they were? It is not kids who decide what is and what is not appropriate for them: that is the job of responsible adults. 

Again, the sleight of hand is from the pedophile’s playbook. The kids want it. It’s the kids themselves asking to be sexualised. The UN and the WHO are just responding to the need. They are truly despicable. They blame the kids, their victims. 

The queering and sexualising of New Zealand children is set to continue and to deepen on present trends.  

The Right Honourable Winston Peters earlier this year affirmed New Zealand’s commitment to the Agenda 2030. This is despite his Coalition Agreement with National declaring “the removal and replacement of the gender, sexuality and relationship-based education guidelines” government policy. 

The New Zealand Government is committed to the Ministry of Education’s Relationship and Sexuality Education through Agenda 2030 even while the same government is committed through the Coalition Agreement to dumping it. 

It’s a necessary requirement of politics to be able to ride two horses at the same time. Mr Peters has the uncanny skill of riding two horses in completely opposite directions. It’s a skill that explains his political longevity. 

Meanwhile, our children are being psychologically abused by the misnamed Health Curriculum. And next to no one knows and fewer care. 

I doubt Mr Peters or Mr Luxon have a clue what they are signing up to. And I am not sure they would care even if they did. 

Successful societies stand ready to sacrifice the old for the young. Through the covid years we reversed that willingness:  we sacrificed the young for the old. Our children stayed home and got jabbed to save nana. That child sacrifice continues in our schools and it comes down from the UN and the WHO and through our very own government even while our political leaders promise the exact opposite. 

We pride ourselves on being a sovereign nation but sex education in New Zealand is dictated from afar with our national leaders just ticking the box. I spend my time talking to my local principal and board chair. They pretend to listen. And I pretend they can do something about it. 

It’s like when we vote. We think we are voting for policy. Just like our leaders think they are making policy when they sign their coalition agreements.

But the decision that counts has already been made by non-elected power brokers far away.  Our political leaders simply prove their subservience. 

One day it will come. One day Agenda 2030 will be ripped up for the perverted and destructive agreement that it is. 

That will be the truly blessed day that we once again put our kids and our country first. 



Aug 25

Keep sex education out of schools. Until then home school your daughter.

Parents have been complaining about the curriculum for a dozen years now.


What self respecting teacher would think they have the right to provide this level of education (intervention) to our children. Rodney, very sorry to hear your daughter was subjected to this abuse.

I have more words, but they are too angry/violent to print, ARRGGGHHH!!

Come on Luxon show some balls and stand up to the UN/WHO...bring back basic maths, literacy and common sense to teaching!!

Replying to

I am sorry. My daughter wasn’t. I got hold of the curriculum and pulled my daughter out. I have an earlier post on that. Thank you for caring.


And we as a society, those who have the privilege of being able to vote in the supposedly free world. Keep voting in the very same people who facilitate the wishes of the perverse unelected elite. The do it because we allow them too.


Aug 25

"It’s signing up to that Agenda that sees a male teacher pairing off my 13-year-old daughters’ class to practice putting condoms on wooden penises with the avowed purpose of having her protect herself when she submits to anal sex." Rodney - absolutely disgusting. I'm so sorry they did that to your girl. I grill my daughter about what they are learning in 'Health' in the hopes I get a warning before anything like that happens. WTAF is going on? It feels like little girls are under attack.

Replying to

Oh I am sorry. I misled you. I pulled my daughter out! But that is the curriculum from an earlier post of mine.


Aug 25

What's happening in the schools is absolutely disgusting and depraved.

If any daughter of mine was being taught how to put a condom onto a penis at age 13, the perverted bastard teaching her that skill would sure as hell have no use for a condom when I'd finished with him. Legalised is NOT ok.

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