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RODNEY HIDE - Vacancy: Minister of Education

Here’s a bold prediction: either Minister of Education Erica Stanford is sacked … or the Coalition Government falls. 

The National-New Zealand First Coalition Agreement was emphatic on: “the removal and replacement of the gender, sexuality and relationship-based education guidelines.”

That agreement was signed 24 November 2023 by National Party Leader Chris Luxon and New Zealand First Party Leader Winston Peters. It is the basis of the present government. 

In the nine months since that signing Minister of Education Erica Stanford has done nothing to honour the very agreement her Ministerial Warrant rests upon. I recently asked her for her timetable for removing and replacing the guidelines. 

Here is her response:

  • All children deserve to feel included, safe, and respected at school.

  • As has been signalled, the coalition-Government will review and replace the current relationships and sexuality education guidelines in its first term, as set out in the New Zealand First – National Party coalition agreement.

  • It is important to note that these are only guidelines and not compulsory. Schools are currently free to use them at their discretion. The legal requirements for school boards are set out in the Education and Training Act 2020 and require schools to consult with their community every two years on their health curriculum.

Her timetable is no further ahead than it was on 24 November 2023. She has done nothing. 

I asked the Minister for the advice she has sought and received on removing and replacing the guidelines. 

She has sought and received none. This is the extent of her enquires:

“I have asked the Ministry of Education (the Ministry) for information on how the supporting RSE guidance was created and how it is operating in schools to inform further thinking.”

“In December 2023, I also requested information from the Ministry regarding the background to the RSE Guidelines.”


"I have also requested that the Education Review Office (ERO) review how RSE is taught in schools."

So in 9 months (one quarter of this government’s term) the Minister has not acted on the Coalition Agreement’s clear commitment. 

She has asked how the guidelines were created and how they are operating. She has sought advice on the background to the guidelines. And how they are taught. 

She has yet to ask for how the guidelines are to be dumped and replaced. Her very requests suggest she has no intention of dumping them. She has failed the very Coalition Agreement that underpins her government. 

Clearly Prime Minister Luxon has no system for monitoring his Ministers implementing the Agreement he signed. 

There is a cavalier attitude to the Coalition Agreement. Hence my prediction: either Ms Stanford goes … Or Mr Peters goes. 

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Aug 08

I'm with you, Ive been writing to my National Party MP and not getting replies as to why, after 8 months in power, the Confucius Centers, Chinese Communist Party propaganda outlets installed in NZ schools and universities, are still there? - no reply! Also, why hasn't the teaching of the Marxist Critical Race Theory been outlawed by now - no reply? 2 years and 4 months until the next election, the country cant afford another bunch of sherry-sippers in the National Party to get their heads out of their egos and get to work! No one should feel angered enough to write this comment if we had dynamic, capable MPs. I think the good ones should seriously consider leaving Nati…


Aug 04

Rodney I have just caught up with this post and I think for once you are off the mark.

I support Minister Stanford's focus on Reading, Writing (these two make up Literacy) and Maths. She seems to be on the right track with these.

Like you I deplore the Gender fiasco and also the Maorification of the Education system but, they while annoying are side issues compared to the 3 r's that you and I grew up with. Having said that I will be very disappointed if Ms Stanford is not on to them early next year.

It is simply a matter of priorities and obviously Winston First are not too stirred up yet.


Rodney, I do have an enormous amount of respect for you, but in this case I feel your involvement with Rabbit Hole Radio is severely clouding your judgment.

There are many contentious issues that we thought the coalition would face up to, and to date with a few exceptions, have been a bit lacklustre on most of them. However, if they get a second term and become a bit more emboldened maybe we will see a bit more backbone.

Either way, come back, please, for your own sake, before it’s too late!

Aug 08
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And there's the difference between inexperienced academic backgrounds and wealth producing, private business attitudes, ask any farmer. Its the winter, if a machine is broken and the crops can't be harvested in the spring you fix the machine, you don't go on holiday, you don't go to the footy, you don't work 8 hour days, you fix the machine. The majority of academics don't let work interfere with their home / social activities and that's reflected in their output when MPs. - Take note Luxon!


Coalition agreement in tatters - NZ First calls it - snap election ensues - a national campaign supported by the majority SAY NO to NATIONAL/LABOUR .

My preferred scenario; roll the dice

What have we got to lose?

Tall Man
Aug 05
Replying to

They'll exchange their freedoms for a pittance.


Aug 02

This is a subject that needs urgent sorting in our Schools

"I too was once a male trapped in a female body…but then my mother gave birth."

Aug 02
Replying to

I like.😁

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